Aim:-Write a program to calculate simple interest. Source Code #include<stdio.h> #…
Aim:- Write a program to find second largest number out of ten numbers. (Using arrays). Sou…
Aim:- Write a program to find largest number out of ten numbers.(Using for-loop) Source Cod…
Aim:- Write a program to add two matrices. (Using 2-D arrays) Source Code:- #include<…
AIM:-Write a program to add two numbers . Source Code : #include<stdio.h…
Introduction to C. The C programming language is a popular and widely used programming lan…
Some of the most important Point of coding. 1.हर एक दिन कोड। 2.अन्य लोगों के को…
7 Tips that can help Learn Programming Faster The advances in technology are driving at…
difference between http vs https in hindi <>.http 1. url http:// से स्टार्ट हो…
|How to solve Computer hanging problem| computer hanging problem में COMPUTER अचानक चलते चलत…
The magic of Android phone:- आज हम जानेगे की अपने Android phone के कुछ मैजिक कोड के बारे…
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