Introduction of Computer.?

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data according to the set of instruction called programs. It has the ability to store, retrieve and process data. A computer is used to type docoment, presentations,game and so on. The term 'computer' is derived from the Latin Word 'computer',which means 'to calculate'.

What is Computer?

A computer is an electronic machine that accepts data from the user, processes the data by performing the desired output as a result.
                                          'Charles Babbage is called the father of computer'.
       Generally, computer is the combimation of hardware and software, which converts data info information.
Some terms used in computer terminology are described below:

>Data:- Unprocessed raw facts and figures like number text on pieces of paper are known as data.

>Processing:- It is the sequence of actions taken on data to convert it into infomation.

>Information :- When data is processed , organised, Structured or presented in a given context so as to be useful, then it is called information.

>Instruction:- It is a command give to a computer in the computer language by the user.

>Program:- It is a set of instruction given to a computer in order to perform some task.

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